50 essential Graduation phrases you should know to congradulate and motivate

Whether it is for a friend, brother, relative or your partner, in addition to the celebration or if you plan to deliver a gift, write or express a motivating phrase or congratulation, it is an excellent idea either during the ceremony or celebration or even if it is done In private.
1. We have struggled hard to study and graduate, but the irony of all this is that today the real struggle begins. (Fernando Antus)
The end of this stage brings with it the beginning of another where the effort, talent and ability to face the world outside of school will be put to the test.
2. It is not great who always triumphs, but he who never becomes discouraged. (José Luis Martín Descalzo)

We must remember that success is not measured by the triumphs achieved, but by the ability to get up as many times as necessary to achieve what we propose.

3. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

A very powerful and motivating phrase to congratulate those who tried hard to pursue the dream of finishing a career and graduating.

4. The greatest encouragement to strive in study and in life is the pleasure of the work itself, the pleasure of the results and the awareness of the value of the results for that community. (Albert Einstein)
This graduation phrase is perfect to start a speech or to invite some graduate to reflect on the value of study and effort.
5. What counts is not the amount of hours we dedicate to work, but the quality of the work we perform during those hours. (Sam Ewing)

With this statement invites reflection on the importance of putting effort in the work and give value to it.
6. Formal education has its lights and shadows. Our effort, beyond being graduated today, can serve to give energy to the lights and make the shadows disappear. (Grant Smith)
A great speech in a few words to invite to do with our actions a significant change that impacts our environment.
7. The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow, will be uneducated the day after tomorrow. (Newton D. Baker)
This phrase is an excellent reflection on the importance of never stop learning.
8. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. (Beverly Sills)

A short but forceful message to reflect on the effort required to get where you want.

9. You have an education. Your certification is a title. You may think of him as a ticket to a good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as a ticket to change the world. (Tom Brokaw)

The graduation phrase can be used to start a speech addressed to the rest of the graduates.
10. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle)

This short but very representative message of what the sacrifice and effort of the study means in exchange for the benefits that can be enjoyed from it.


11. We are facing a very volatile work environment. Learn every day to reinvent yourself, be creative, never let short-termism turn off your great ideas (Susan Bayle)

A reflection about the world that awaits after graduation and how to face it to continue reaching the goals.

12. You will have failures in your life, but it is what you do during those falls that determines the height at which you will arrive. (Rahm Emanuel)

Remind graduates that failures are not what define a person but how they are faced.

13. It is ironic that we spend our days wishing to graduate and the rest of the days we feel nostalgia for the days of university. (Isabel Waxman)
This graduation phrase is perfect to invite graduates to enjoy the stage they are living and what is to come.

14. You can not climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
The actor reminds us that to achieve what we want we must work hard for it.

15. Knowledge is learned through study. Wisdom through observation. (Arturo Torres)

The accumulation of knowledge should not be the only objective to be achieved but to take the acquired skills further and cultivate observation.

16. Your time is limited, so do not waste it by living the life of another. Do not get caught up in the dogma, which is to live according to the results of the thought of others. Do not let the noise of the opinions of others drown your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition (Steve Jobs)
No doubt a powerful message for young people from the thinking of the genius behind Apple.

17. The obstacles are those frightening things that you see when you turn your eyes away from your goals (Henry Ford)
This reflection is very useful to give to those who are going to graduate.

18. When you finish your university studies you will notice a certain existential void. Until now, all your routine was planned, predictable. Now it’s time to face the uncertainty and come out of this struggle. (Miranda Boozer)

A graduation is also a moment of reflection on what will come in the next stage and the best way to face it.

19. The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shadow you do not expect to sit. (Nelson Herdenson)

Today’s hard work will not always have rewards or immediate compensation.

20. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. (Benjamin Franklin)

The best we can do for ourselves and for our environment is to invest in our education because a benefit is always assured.

21. Graduation is just a concept. In real life, you graduate every day. Graduation is a process that continues until the last day of your life. If you can understand that, you will make a difference. (Arie Pencovici)

A phrase to understand that graduation is the beginning of a new stage and that it never ends.

22. Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten. (BF Skinner)

This great famous phrase expresses in a few words the importance of continuing to cultivate the spirit.

23. Death is probably the only good invention of life. It is the agent of change of life; erase the old to make way for the new. And now you are new. But someday, not long, you will have become the old and you will be replaced. I’m sorry for being so dramatic, but it’s the truth. Your time is limited so do not waste it living the life of another person. (Steve Jobs)

The creator of apple leaves in this speech a message that any graduate should listen to.

24. All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. (Walt Disney)

A thought full of motivation for the day of graduation.

25. Do not judge every day by what you harvest, if not by the seeds that you plant. (Robert Louis Stevenson)
In this way you can congratulate the people who graduate by letting them know that their seed has paid off.

26. Education is the key to open the world, a passport to freedom. (Oprah Winfrey)
A perfect graduation phrase to congratulate and motivate.

27. That we succeed in transmitting to our children this grace of being simply “all-terrain” men and women, citizens of the world. (Jaime Borrás)

This small reflection is very important especially for those who are parents.

28. If you are not enthusiastic, you will be fired with enthusiasm. (Vince Lombardi)

In short, an absolute truth that those who join the labor market must take into account.

29. For a long time, the experts, the people who are supposed to be able to tell you what to do, will tell you that you are not capable of doing something even when you know that you are. And many times it will be your own friends who tell you that you can do it. (Mark Zuckerberg)

A small speech that also lived in the flesh the creator of Facebook.
30. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. (Andy McIntyre)

Far from believing that there has been an expenditure on studies, it must be understood that ignorance is even more expensive.
31. If the opportunity does not call, build a door. (Milton Berle)

A very motivating phrase maybe to start a speech or include it and motivate the graduates to be persistent.
32. What is your great idea? What are you going to use your moral, intellectual capital, your money, beyond the walls of the University of Pennsylvania? The world is more malleable than you think and it is waiting for you to give it form. (Bond)
This speech by singer Bono at the University of Pennsylvania has a lot of energy and motivation to transmit to young people.
33. Have great thoughts but enjoy the great pleasures. (H. Jackson Brown)
It is good to remember that our dreams and ambitions should not cloud the simple pleasures we have today.

34. If you believe in what you say, if you believe in what you do, you will be more effective, more passionate and more authentic in everything you do. (Seth Goldman)
A motivating and beautiful thought about the importance of being coherent with what we do and say.
35. It does not matter how far you can go. At some point you are bound to stumble. If you are constantly pushing yourself to the top, the law of averages, not to mention the myth of Icarus, predicts that you will fall at some point. And when you do, you must remember one thing: there is nothing like failure. Failure is simply life trying to move us in another direction. (Oprah Winfrey)

A great speech perfect to give to someone in his graduation and reflect on that failure is part of life.
36. Although no one has been able to go back and make a new start, anyone can start now and make a new ending. (Jonathan García-Allen)

Sometimes there are people who regret being where they are, but this phrase is a reminder that you can always change the direction to a better one.

37. Fireworks start today. Each diploma is a lit match and you the match. (Edward Koch)

A great graduation phrase to congratulate and motivate. It can be the beginning of a speech or write it on a card for those who graduate.

38. Do not go where the road leads. Go, instead, where there is no road and leaves a trail. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
This message is ideal to motivate those who have graduated to become a person who makes a difference.

39. Success is not a result of spontaneous combustion. You must light up in flames. (Arnold H. Glasow)

A convincing way to express the importance of doing things with passion.

40. Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude. (Ralph Marston)

This short but profound sentence is an invitation to rethink the meaning of excellence.

41. A wise man will build more opportunities than he finds. (Francis Bacon)

This reflection is full of truth and is ideal to share with someone who is about to graduate.

42. Use the talents you have in life: the forest would be very silent if only the birds that sing best sang. (Henry Van Dike)
Sometimes people doubt about the value of their talents, this phrase will undoubtedly provide security to anyone and is perfect for anyone who graduates.

43. It is impossible to live without failing in something, unless you live so cautiously that you may not have lived at all, in which case, you will have failed by default. (JK Rowling)
Another great reflection about the importance of not running away from failure but understanding and acting proactively in front of him.

44. Shoot the moon, even if you miss the stars. (Les Brown)
A very emotional and motivating phrase that can be perfect to congratulate someone in his graduation.

45. We do not conquer the mountain, but ourselves. (Edmund Hillary)

This reflection reminds us that every achievement we achieve is not external but internal.

46. ​​Go wherever you go, no matter the time, always carry your own light. (Anthony J. D’Angelo)
No doubt this reflection is an ideal phrase for a graduation because it is very motivating and emotional.
47. Do not try to become a successful man. Try to become a man of value. (Albert Einstein)
The famous Albert Einstein leaves in this reflection a great truth to exalt the importance of values ​​in the face of success.

48. Learning without thinking is wasting energy. (Confucius)

An ideal absolute truth to invite reflection to someone who graduates on the importance of reflecting what they have learned beyond just storing data and knowledge.

49. They will not get very far in life if they rely on what they already know. They will advance in life through what they learn once they move from here. (Charlie Munger)

These words that were used in a graduation speech are very accurate about life after school.

50. I think that it is often easier to progress in mega ambitious dreams. I know it sounds completely crazy. But since nobody else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition. There are very few people so crazy that I feel I know them all by name. Everyone travels like cargo dogs and sticks together like glue. The best people want to face great challenges. (Larry Page)
This passionate and motivating speech can be a great graduation phrase that inspires whoever reads it.


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